A website
Hi everyone Today I write about a website that I like it. I think youtube is my favourite because is a great plataform where you find almost all things that you want. There are from musical videos until stranger things. Any thing is in youtube, tutorials, recipes, movies, how to do the homeworks, how save and destroy the world and the origin of the universe hahah. In addition is a tool that can use for education, because is interectative and entertaining and easy access, but have to precaution cause can be a great distraction, considering that for can see all things that have, we may stay more 600 years watching it (IMPOSIBLE). Every day I visit youtube looking for songs, videos, how resolve the problems of my life or tutorials about how play a song in guitar, funny videos, etc. I often visit for see, concerts, musical videos about many songs of my favourites artists with diferents versions or covers that make the people, and I like this website for the diversity of contents...